Which Training Do You Need?
My goal is to help course creators build their influence and impact, create better courses while growing their income. Below are some training ideas I have but I want your help of what to do first. What will help you most?
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Upon completion, you will see a thank you message with details to get the new audio training about "3 Simple but Powerful Ways​ to Grow Your Email List", which has innovative strategies to build your audience.
1. Do you have an online course yet? *
2. What industry does your course most serve? *
3. What training do you need MOST? *
4. What OTHER training do you need NEXT? *
5. Would you like to join a 6-week paid group where we plan, create and market an online course? By doing it together you would get your questions answered by me and the support of others in the group. *
6. What do you struggle with MOST in regards to creating effective online course? *
7. Would you like to join a paid mastermind group where we give each other ongoing help, accountability and marketing ideas to improve your course and grow your business? *
Is there anything else should I know about you, your goals and your course? I love hearing what you're working on!
Upon completion, you will see a thank you message with details to get the new audio training about "3 Simple but Powerful Ways​ to Grow Your Email List", which has innovative strategies to build your audience.
Simply put in your name/email to get the new training.
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