4 Day School Week Family Survey
We are again asking families to complete this survey to provide feedback and input on the 4 Day School Week. Please complete this survey as soon as possible so your input can be considered. 
Email *
Our familiy loves the 4 Day School Week. *
My child(ren) have adapted to the longer school day well. *
My child(ren) is receiving the same amount of instruction on the 4 Day Week as they were on the 5 Day Week. *
My child(ren) is receiving the same amount of therapies and services with the 4 day week that they were with the 5 day week. *
My child(ren) would participate in after school tutoring or Monday tutoring if offered by the school? *
We have been able to schedule doctor, dentist, and other appointments on Mondays since we do not have school on that day. *
Do you see a difference in your child (ren) from this year to last year academically, socially, or emotionally because of the 4 day week? *
My child(ren) are more positive about school with the 4 day school week. *
Does your child(ren) have better attendance with the 4 day week then with the 5 day week. *
We have been able to enjoy more family time this year with the 4 day school week. *
We are having difficulty fitting in extra curricular activities with the 4 day week and the longer school day. *
Mondays are truly a day off for our family. *
Please mark your school week preference below:
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Please list your top benefit of the 4 Day School Week. *
Please share your top concern of the 4 Day School Week. *
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