Girls Who Code - Fall 2023 Registration
[Oakton College facilitates GWC for middle schools in north and west suburbs of Chicago]

GWC is a free weekly extracurricular program to introduce middle school female-identifying students to computer science and computer programming.  

Weekly virtual (Zoom) meetings run Tuesdays 4-5 PM from Sept 19th - Dec 5th 2023
Occasional on-site, hands-on activities will be held on Oakton's Des Plaines campus.

Please provide a parent or the student's non-school email since most middle school student email addresses will not deliver messages from outside the school.
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Student or Parent's Non-School Email Address: *
Parent's Email (if different from above) *
Student's Last Name *
Student's First Name *
Parent/Guardian's Last Name *
Parent/Guardian's First Name *
Mailing Address (to ship electronics, t-shirts, etc) *
Middle School *
Grade Level  *
As the parent/guardian of the student named above, by typing my name below, I hereby allow my child to participate in the Girls Who Code program at Oakton. 
How did you/your student learn about this program? (Please provide name of teacher, you learned about this program from a teacher.)
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