Queer Theatre Kalamazoo Involvement Survey
This survey is to collect information from folks who are interested in being involved with Queer Theatre Kalamazoo in any capacity!
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Full Name (legal not necessary) *
Pronouns *
Email *
In what capacity are you interested in being involved? (select all that apply) *
Tell us a about your experience with what you selected above *
If you picked Community Partner Organization, what organization and tell us your mission
What has your theatre experience been in the past? *
Have you been involved with QTK before? Tell us about it... *
Do you play any instruments?
Any links you'd like us to see of monologues, scenes, reels, demos, graphics, paintings, poems, performances, immaculate spreadsheets...
In what ways would you identify your relationship to the queer community? (Queer Theatre exists to lift up under represented artists, allies are welcome) *
What kind of theatre are you interested in seeing more of in your community? *
How did you first hear about Queer Theatre Kalamazoo? *
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