Application form: training course in Turkey from 19th to 26th March 2018
By: Seiklejate Vennaskond
Please read the guide for project participants before applying:
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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Mobile: *
Passport/Id-card number: *
Date of birth: *
Personal identification code: *
Complete address: *
Including street, town, county
Sex: *
Faceook profile:
Level of English: *
I am able to communicate in: *
Special needs: *
Do you have any special needs or dietary requirements that the host organisation should know about? (E.g. medical needs, allergies, dietary restrictions, smoker/none smoker etc.)
Emergency contact: *
Please write the full name of the person, your relation to him/her, e-mail and mobile number. This information will only be used in case of emergency. This cannot be a person who applies for the same project.
Please describe your motivation to participate in the project *
Please describe your expectations for the project *
How are you able to contribute to the activities of Seiklejate Vennaskond? (extra to participating in projects as active participant) *
For example, check out how to make partnerships yourself:
How many times have you participated in international project (youth exchange, training course, EVS) in the framework of Erasmus+ ? *
If this is not your first experience with Seiklejate Vennaskond, so how have you already contributed to activities of Seiklejate Vennaskond? *
Have you applied for any project recently with Seiklejate Vennaskond, but have not been selected? Which one?
I confirm the participation fee 20 € from Seiklejate Vennaskond is ok (please read more about it here: *
I confirm I have read and understood "Projektidesse mineja ABC": *
I confirm I understand that I need to make travel insurance myself and it is obligatory: *
Mis kohalikus omavalitsuses on su ametlik sissekirjutus? *
Uurime seda selle tõttu, et tulevikus planeerime uurida koostöövõimalusi teatud omavalitustega, et aidata katta sõidukulusid :)
Anything else you would like to share?
Kuidas kuulsid Seiklejate Vennaskonnast?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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