Become a Crypto Mentor
If you have been one of the flag bearers in the Blockchain World and you have acquired more related skills, we invite you to join our network. The vision is to enable people to find quality mentorship with ease, which is necessary for this technology to become a revolution.

How it works?

People seeking help and guidance create a request on our platform. Request notifications are sent in realtime on our platform and through your choice of communication channels (email/SMS/Hangouts). The mentee connects with you on audio/video and text chat on our platform. These are paid requests on per minute basis.

On submission of application we will get back to you within 2 days.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name *
(Screen Name if you wish to remain anonymous)
Email *
Areas of Interest? *
Note: This question is not about your areas of expertise. That is in the next question. Choose all the stuff that you actively follow. If you don't find any in the list, please use the other option.
Areas of Expertise? *
Tell us your journey to expertise in the Blockchain World in few lines? *
You can tell what got you into it and why the above selected areas became a part of your pursuit
And what's your primary area of expertise? *
Link to your blog/LinkedIn
What would you like to charge to help people?
(Tell us in BTC per minute. You can change this later.)
Which coin you would prefer paid getting in?
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