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Visions of Freedom - A Black Film Festival
The festival is free for HU students, faculty, employees, and alumni.
If you belong to one of these groups, please register below so we know you're coming!
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Which of the screenings or events do you plan to attend? (You can always attend additional events. This will just give us a sense of the numbers.)
Black In Hollywood by Brandon Miree (Tues. 2/11, 12 - 1pm, Cramton)
Freedom Seekers: Black Seminoles Past and Present by Dr. Anthony Dixon & Zarion Hadley (Tues. 2/11, 1:30 - 2:30, Crampton)
Nanny by Dr. Nikyatu Jusu (Tues. 2/11, 3pm - 5:30pm, Cramton)
Healing From Silence by HU Prof. Dr. Monique L. Akassi (Tues. 2/11, 6 - 7pm, Cramton)
Mike 19 by Howard Clay (Tues. 2/11, 7:30 - 9pm, Cramton)
The Other Side of Ecstasy by Larry Smith III (Weds. 2/12, 12 - 1pm, on Zoom)
Unbroken: Stories of Survival by Jacobi Davis and Steven Lester (Weds. 2/12, 1:30 - 2:30, on Zoom)
Making Life Sing In Pursuit of Utu by Dr. Ndirangu Wachanga (Thurs. 2/13, 12 - 1pm, on Zoom)
Shutdown by Dr. Simone Drake (Thurs. 2/13, 5 - 6:30pm, on Zoom)
Nikki Giovanni virtual read-a-thon (Fri. 2/14, 12 - 2pm, on Zoom)
The Last Battlefront by Anna Reid Jhirad and Prof. Maha Haddad (Fri. 2/14, 2:30 - 3:30, Cramton)
Sin Luces by Prof. Dr. Shahriar Shafiani (Fri. 2/14, 3:30 - 4, Cramton)
Somewhere in Brooklyn by HU Alum Brandon Wilkerson (4:30 - 5pm, Cramton)
Going to Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project by Joe Brewster and Michele Stephenson (Fri. 2/14, 6 - 8:30pm, Cramton)
How did you hear about the festival?
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