Connecticut Climate Action Plans - Kickoff & Sector Workshop Registration

10:00 AM – 11:30 AM, Tuesday, November 14th, 2023​

Zoom Link

Registration is required. Meeting details will be emailed to registered attendees.

Event Background. This webinar will explain EPA’s new Climate Pollution Grant program and its deliverables, including both the planning and implementation phases. The webinar will be hosted and facilitated by the three CT Council of Governments acting as the lead agencies for their respective regions – Capitol Region Council of Governments (Hartford-East Hartford-Middletown MSA), South Central Regional Council of Governments (New Haven-Milford MSA) and MetroCOG (Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk MSA).  The State Department of Energy and Environmental (CT DEEP) will also be on hand to discuss related State-level planning efforts. The webinar is an opportunity for both municipal leaders and various emission sector experts to provide critical feedback to help inform development of the regional Priority and Comprehensive Climate Action Plans. After an overview, the meeting will feature breakout rooms by both emissions sector and MSA geography, with the intent to identify key implementation priorities and opportunities for collaboration.  These conversations will be critical elements as stakeholders throughout the state develop applications for competitive implementation funding. 

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Which EPA Climate Pollution Sector are you most affiliated to? *

The webinar will feature sector-based breakout rooms – please select a sector that most closely aligns with your professional affiliation. If you are not strongly aligned to any of these specific sectors, you may choose the one that interests you most.

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