LCPS Safety Concern Report
At LCPS, we strongly believe that each student deserves to feel safe at school.  Please complete this form to report anything that is scaring or endangering you or your friends at school or on the bus (examples: threats, harassment, fights, gangs, stealing, weapons, alcohol, drugs, etc).  Your information will be kept private.  If this is an urgent matter, do not submit here alone.  Inform your Principal, teacher, or School Resource Officer immediately.  If this is an emergency, dial 911.
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Please describe the issue or event. *
Who is involved? *
What time/date did the event/issue occur? *
How did you become aware of the event/issue? *
Have you reported this incident to any other person(s)? *
If you have previously reported this incident, who did you report it to?
Which of these best describes your relationship with the school? *
If you wish to be contacted regarding this report, please leave your name* and contact information*.
*This information is OPTIONAL
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