SZBA Spring/Summer Courses Survey
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Which of the following times are possible for you? Please select all that apply.  All times are Pacific Standard Times. A Time Zone Converter is available here:
9:30 am - Noon
1 pm - 3:30 pm
We will be offering two courses:
Unpacking Whiteness; Exploring the Delusion of Race from a Buddhist Perspective
This 4-session class in May will offer a time to come together for discussion, skill-building and community building with others seeking to learn and grow together, and to undermine the practices of white supremacy culture.This class is designed for white people who are learning about whiteness; it is open to anyone who wishes to join us.  

Building the Joy and Energy of Diverse Community: Living the Bodhisattva Vow
This 5-session course will begin in June, and is designed for those who wish to take effective action, in their sanghas and in their lives, to create greater racial equity This class will center on embodying and living the bodhisattva vow as dharma communities and practitioners, with a focus on uprooting race-based oppression as it manifests in our sanghas and in our lives. This class is open to all practitioners who wish to work to relieve the suffering of racial injustice in our sanghas and our world.

Which course(s) are you interested in taking?
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