Support Children, Youth, and Families Experiencing Homelessness in the Wake of COVID-19
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Endorse the Emergency Family Stabilization Act
Even prior to COVID-19, youth and family homelessness were at record levels. The current economic crisis and family stress are creating new waves of youth and family homelessness.

Families and youth experiencing homelessness are at great risk of coronavirus transmission, infection, and illness -- as well as predation, violence, and trafficking. The coronavirus outbreak has created even more barriers to their survival, and to accessing the programs and services they need to regain their footing.

Now more than ever, these children and youth need our attention.

While previous coronavirus relief legislation included some funding related to homelessness, most children and youth experiencing homelessness are not eligible for it and face barriers accessing it. Dedicated and flexible funding is needed for the programs and systems that are uniquely positioned to help children, youth, and families immediately, and ensure their long-term stability.
The Emergency Family Stabilization Act (EFSA) is bipartisan, bicameral legislation that creates a new emergency funding stream administered by the Administration for Children and Families within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide flexible funding for community-based organizations to meet the unique needs of children, youth, and families experiencing homelessness (as defined under the broader education definition of homelessness). Providing emergency housing, health, and other related services to children, youth and families experiencing homelessness as early as possible will reduce transmission of COVID-19, mitigate compounding trauma, and prevent entrenched adult homelessness.

We seek endorsements from local, state, and national organizations.

Thank you for helping to ensure that prolonged child and youth homelessness does not result from the pandemic and economic crisis, and that we protect the futures of our most vulnerable children, youth, and families from trafficking and other harm.

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