Petition for the Upper Clutha to break away from QLDC
Wānaka, Hāwea and the rest of the Upper Clutha are growing rapidly. But are we still fairly represented by the Queenstown Lakes District Council?

If you support an investigation and review by the Local Government Commission and support the idea of a new, separate local council PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION.

We have to do this the right way.

- You must be a resident listed on the latest QLDC electoral roll for your signature to count. So this is open to both ratepayers and local residents, but you MUST be registered on the electoral role here in this district.
- You must include a valid local name/address as a voter here. If you have multiple addresses, please make sure it is the right one.
- We need at least 10% of eligible local voters' support to get the Local Government Commission to stage their investigation and review.

The proposed change is for a new local authority under Section 24 (1) (b) of the Local Government Act. 2002, specifically: "the constitution of a new district or region, including the constitution of a new local authority for that district or region."

PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR PERSONAL DETAILS/DATA WILL NOTE BE SHARED other than with the Local Government Commission. I will use your email address to update you as to progress. I will not copy this database to anyone.
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We the undersigned request a review and investigation of the representation of the Upper Clutha District under Section 24 (1) (b) of the Local Government Act 2002 due to the following developments:

1. We feel the dramatic recent changes in the Upper Clutha district population size and demographics have made local governance by the Queenstown Lakes District Council ineffective and undemocratic.

2. We view that the apportionment of rates income by QLDC is not spent fairly or equitably in our district putting us at an economic disadvantage to Queenstown.

3. Our demographics have changed to the extent that the social, cultural and economic goals of the Queenstown Lakes District Council no longer represent the residents of the Upper Clutha.

4. Community confidence in QLDC is at such a low point that the residents are not engaging with the council. We do not feel represented. The current Mayor was not the winner of Upper Clutha mayoral votes in the most recent local elections and the Deputy Mayor was selected by the (Queenstown) Mayor even though another Upper Clutha councillor won more votes. Other councillors show little or no regard for the issues of the Upper Clutha, and as such, many of us feel that decisions are made to the detriment of the Upper Clutha.

5. A High Court judicial review this year showed that QLDC had not consulted lawfully with Upper Clutha residents over the critical question of Wanaka tourism/airport expansion, further eroding trust in QLDC.

6. We feel that other "consultation" which takes place is not fit for purpose, and that even though the views of the Upper Clutha community are often very loud and very clear, they are disregarded in part or wholly.

We rely on the following section of the Act in gaining your support for a representation investigation: Under section 24AA of the Act, the purpose of local government reorganisation is to promote good local government by enabling and facilitating improvements to local governance.

First Name *
Last/Family Name *
Street number and name (eg 1 King Street) *
This MUST be your ratepayer address.
Town or area (eg Wanaka, Luggate, Cardrona) *
Postcode (eg 9305) *
Email address (will not be provided to the Commission - I will use this to keep in touch with you). *
Please double check that you have the detail correct. If it's not, I won't be able to update you.
CONFIRM BELOW that you wish to sign this petition as a registered voter in this district, and that you give consent for me to pass on your name and address details to the Commission, and to keep in touch with you via email. *
After you hit SUBMIT. Please share the link to this petition with other registered voters in the Upper Clutha. Remember, if there are two registered voters in your house, BOTH of you should sign separately. The link is:
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