Dear Parent/Guardian,
Your child has been referred for group/individual counseling by a classroom teacher, an administrator, parent, or self-referred. School counseling is short-term and problem-solving oriented. It is usually recommended for a student to improve a specific behavior, effective communication skills, conflict resolution, interpersonal relationships, decision making skills, anger management, or other issues that are impacting a student’s performance in school.
Confidentiality is important to develop a positive counseling relationship and is only broken in cases of indicated criminal activity or threats of harm to himself/herself or others by the student.
If you have any questions regarding your child receiving counseling, please contact
Mrs. Farrah “Jazzy” Jones at ( or call/ text 240-489-1831.
*School counselors are not therapists and do not provide therapy or psychological diagnoses. A list of local counseling therapists is available if you are considering the need for an evaluation, therapy, and/or family counseling.
Kind Regards,
Mrs. Jazzy