Book Club and Quarter One AVID Evaluation
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What is your name? *
Who is your AVID Teacher? *
What book did you read? Please put the title and the author. *
Write a two sentence summary of the book you read WITHOUT giving spoilers! *
Complete the sentence: You should read this book if you... *
Complete the sentence: You should NOT read this book if you... *
Did you finish your book? *
Please suggest any books that you think would be great book club options (please note, we might not be able to get them!):
Check all of the ideas below that you think would improve book club. If you LOVED book club, please check, "No changes". You can also add your own suggestions on the "Other" option. *
Complete the sentence: I will enjoy book club next quarter if... *
Complete the sentence: I will feel like book club will be a waste of my time if... *
Please share any favorite book club memories or suggestions!
Tell us how AVID has helped you so far! *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I know how to take Cornell notes in all classes.
I actually use C-notes in all classes.
I revise, summarize, and add questions to my C-notes.
I can identify the level of questions my teachers ask.
I can write a TPEQEA paragraph that makes a strong claim and asks the reader to take action.
I can take notes in a way that helps me remember material.
I can study in a way that helps me remember material.
I have an organized binder.
I keep a planner, Google calendar, or set phone alarms so I know when my work is due.
I feel like LEC is a family of learners.
I know how to act to a successful student.
I know how to set goals.
I make plans and meet my goals.
I know how to study.
I actually study.
What Career Cluster would you choose if you had to choose today? *
What specific career are you interested in? *
What colleges are you considering as of now? *
Complete the sentence: AVID will help me next quarter if... *
Complete the sentence: AVID will feel like a waste of my time next quarter if...
What additional support do you need from AVID? What requests do you have for your AVID teachers? *
What have you enjoyed most about the AVID elective? *
Who has helped you the most this semester? Give that person/those people a shout out! *
Remember, this will be shared next Friday so don't do inside jokes, etc :)
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