Monthly questionnaire  - May to Aug
Sorry, I completely forgot to make the questionnaire in the previous months. ^^;
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How do you feel about the content over the last four months?
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I kinda like this Line Heavy style and would like to try more of it. What do you think? :)
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I'd like to draw more NSFW arts. Which type of NSFW arts are you more interested in? 
This is a piston.
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I got to say it's not easy to keep up the Patreon. Due to my day time job, if I don't devoted most of my spare time into drawing,  unfinished tasks will be piled up really quickly.  
To increase productivity, I tried to increase work efficiency by miminizing distraction such as gaming and playing music so I can focus wholeheartly to drawing. It does make me faster, but it also put more strains on my right arm, resulting in the recuring of my old wounds. 
To solve this, I need to strengthen the muscle of my right arm through resistance training, which can help prevent old wound from recuring. But since I need to spend my time drawing. Squeeze out more time for exercising isn't easy. All of these make me feel a little bit stuck and I have to make do with my current limited productivity.

Sorry for the pointless venting. My day time job actually treat me pretty well. I have a stable income and I really shouldn't complain much. Just that I haven't gave up the dream of becoming a full time artist; but it doesn't look like that dream can be realized in anytime soon (or at all ).

Anyway, anything you'd like to share? :)
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