/vp/ /pgg/ Friend Codes for Pokémon GO
In this form, we are doing our best to gather friend codes of anons from the Pokémon Go general on /vp/. This way, we are more organized in the near future, as well as it being easier for anons who missed out on a day of gameplay or for whatever reason, just need some friends to complete any of their personal tasks.

Please answer as much as you can with the following info:
-Username (required)
-Friend Code (required)
-Region (optional, but preferred)
-Country (optional, but preferred)
-Spoofie, Walkie, or both (optional, but preferred)
- Remote Raids (optional)
-Additional Notes (optional)
-Contact Info (optional)

Thank you all and happy friending.

Please note, this is a remake of the original sheet! This sheet will be cleaned approximately every 90-days or upon request. Last Updated: July 2020
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