COLD BLOODED,  ARC sign up form

COLD BLOODED is a fast-paced action adventure story featuring mech marines, space pirates and found family. 

Please fill out the form for an ebook ARC of my novella Cold Blooded. I would ask that in return you leave an honest review on 
and if possible Amazon - 

I will send you the ARC through BookFunnel when it is ready(Hopefully around mid October). Reviews by the end of November would be great I know people are super busy so whenever you can get your review in it would be greatly appreciated. If you need more details you can contact me on social media or at

Some more about the book:

“Don’t mistake my silence for weakness. No one plans a murder out loud.”

Veteran Marine Mint only worries about one thing—herself. But after being ordered back to the front lines, she has a decision to make—stand up and do the right thing, or finally get what she always wanted.

Fifteen-year-old Frida lives in deep space on a pirate vessel. Her father is a dissident warrior who fights the corporations running the system. When a corporation battle cruiser catches up to the ageing pirate vessel, death appears to be the only escape.

Forty five thousand word Novella

“Military scifi done right. A superb take on corporation greed and madness in the uncaring vacuum of cold space. And in Mint, a true kick-ass character you can fully relate to.” Nick Snape, author of the Weapons of Choice Scifi Series.

"A visceral reality of living and surviving when corporate greed and machinations have paramount control."  T.K. Toppin - Science Fiction Author.

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