PLM Stated Meeting Evaluation -- Zoom 2022
Thank you for attending the most recent Presbytery of Lake Michigan Stated Meeting held via Zoom. . . and offering grace as we continue adapting to the new environment. To help us improve things for future meetings, please take a few minutes to provide some feedback.
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I participated in the Stated Meeting via electronic meeting technology through the *
Were instructions provided via presbytery communications -- including emails and posts on the website about how to register for and attend the Stated Meeting or view it via the livestream feed -- easy to understand (1) or difficult to follow (5)? *
Easy to understand and follow
Difficult to understand and follow
Were the business (plenary) sessions easy to understand (1) or confusing (5)? *
Easy to understand
Was the worship experience meaningful (1) or not enriching at all (5)? *
Not enriching
What part(s) of the meeting worked well?
What part(s) of the meeting did not work well?
A packet of information was posted online before the Stated Meeting. Did you:
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Did you take any training offered by the presbytery about how to use Zoom and what protocols would be followed?
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If you took training offered by the presbytery about using Zoom and what protocols would be followed, what was most helpful?
If you did NOT take training offered by the presbytery about using Zoom and what protocols would be followed, why not?
I had trouble getting into the Zoom webinar or livestream feed. *
If I had trouble getting into the Zoom webinar, it was because:
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If I had trouble accessing the livestream broadcast, it was because:
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What suggestions do you have if future Stated Meetings must be held via electronic meeting technology?
Name of person completing the evaluation:
Email address of person completing the evaluation:
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