Become a UniAI Partner
Thank you for your interest in partnering with UniAI!

About UniAI:

UniAI is the first student organization dedicated to Artificial Intelligence in Greece.

Our mission is to:

  • Spread AI knowledge: We organize workshops, lectures, hackathons, and other educational events for students and the general public.
  • Build an AI community: We connect students from diverse backgrounds and interests, fostering networking and collaboration opportunities.
  • Drive AI research and innovation: We support student teams and startups developing AI projects.

How You Can Help:

As a sponsor of UniAI, you can:

  • Financially support our initiatives: Your sponsorship will help cover event costs, acquire equipment, and bring our projects to life.
  • Share your expertise: Offer workshops, lectures, or mentorship opportunities to share your knowledge and experience with students.
  • Create career opportunities: Provide internships or job openings for talented UniAI students.

Complete the Google Form:

Please fill out the following Google Form to express your sponsorship interest. We will reach out to discuss potential collaboration opportunities within 2 business days.

Thank you for your support!

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