Hagglers Market Application Form
Interested in being part of one of our upcoming Markets? Apply for our upcoming dates below!
Filling in this form is not a guarantee that you have a stall at the market. Successful applicants will be notified over email, and stalls will be confirmed once the deposit has been paid. Sunday Market stall fee is £45.

Any questions please email enquiries@hagglerscorner.co.uk

When participating at Hagglers Market you agree to:
  • Provide all your own set up equipment, including décor, rubbish bins, till float, etc.
  • Ensure you or a representative are at your allocated stall throughout the event
  • Accept responsibly for your stall and any belongings, equipment, merchandise etc.
  • Ensure you leave the area exactly as you found it and remove all rubbish
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First Name *
Last Name *
Trading Name *
Email *
Contact Number *
What do you sell? *
Where are you based?
Which market are you interested in? Please only apply for a stall at markets that are relevant to you. *
Anything you want to add? Write it below!
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