Sunday Sessions with Susan 4/21 The Power of the Arts to Empower
This webinar examines the power of the Arts in education to empower the individual to construct a more equitable and sustainable society. We will explore recent changes in global educational paradigms and seek a vision for a better global society taking into account the Earth Charter, worldwide movements for a more creative curriculum and the necessity for a transformative education for all.
We will analyse drama as a social art and in particular its capacity to develop empathy. There will be a little theory and and lots of interactive practice to test out this notion of the power of the arts to empower. The teachers should be able to put into practice many of the activities in their own real or virtual classrooms whatever the level or age of their students.
Date~Sunday, 8th August 2021 starting at 11am ART/3pm BST
New and different topics will be offered every first Sunday of every month.
Check your time here: NOTE: To enrol please fill in this form first and only then choose a method of payment from the options below.
AR$ 750 for people in Argentina by bank transfer or Mercado Pago
US$ 12 for others through PayPal
Euro 10 for others through Paypal
Please note: you must register with this Google form before you pay!!
Enrolment closes at 6pm ART/10pm BST on the Saturday before each Sunday so I can do the paperwork.
a) Bank Transfer to:
CBU: 0070048120000004673664
Cuil: 27928930020
Account name: Hillyard Michael John y Price Susan
b)My PayPal account: My Mercado Pago account: payment is made and 12 hours before the session opens you will receive instructions on how to enrol in the course.
As soon as I receive your payment I will make a group and send you the link to my Zoom Room, by email, 12 hours before the Webinar starts and then 1 hour before we start.
Please check your mail box. And also your spam (just in case).
I look forward to our Sunday sessions…..just like old times!!!!
Love, peace, inspiration and health through Creativity and Innovation!
Susan H
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