MultiVision Wedding Raw Footage Archive
Hi!! It's Greg from MultiVision... Blast from the past for sure!!

So... I'm pleased to inform you that we have your original wedding or other video raw footage tapes after all this time. They have been stored all these years in a temperature-controlled storage environment at a professional storage facility. 

Back when we shot your video, you received a copy of the raw footage in DVD form. That was the only way we could give it to you because when using professional video cameras at the time, we were shooting on professional digital videotapes that cannot be played with home video equipment.

Never wanting to throw out anyone's precious memories (even though we gave you a copy of them), we held onto the original, professional, tapes and stored them.

Given the cost involved to continue storing these tapes, and the fact that video is now all shot in a digital format and physical storage is no longer necessary, we are no longer financially able to keep storing these physical tapes.

If you would like the raw tapes that your wedding or other event was shot on, I can send it (or them) to you. All I'm asking is that you help me recoup only a fraction of what it cost to store the footage - just $125 for the back storage and $30 to UPS it to you.

In addition, if you would like the video transferred to a digital thumb drive so you can watch it, I'd be happy to do that for an additional $100... 75 for the transfer and 25 for the thumb drive. OR if you'd like to send me a drive to put it on, then it would just be the 75 for transferring the video.

So, for clarity, here are your 3 options. You can select one in the order form below:

1 - Just send you the raw footage tape or tapes - $155:
- 125 for back storage
-   30 for shipping

2 - TRANSFER the footage onto a NEW thumb drive and send it to you - $255:
- 125 for back storage
-   30 for shipping
-   75 for transferring the footage
-   25 for a new thumb drive

3 - TRANSFER the footage onto YOUR thumb drive and send it to you - $230:
- 125 for back storage
-   30 for shipping
-   75 for transferring the footage
-   You send us a drive to transfer the footage to

If no option above appeals to you for whatever reason, just let me know and we will dispose of the tape or tapes.

Questions? Feel free to call or text me at (201) 424-5168. My email is if you need that as well.

Thanks and I look forward to getting you another copy of your memories!!

:) Greg

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Both your full names before you married: *
Your Wedding or Event Date *
Phone number (and whose it is) *
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