Canopy; The Hidden Life of Humans
An exhibit and social project that debuted on Earth Day, 2023. Tell us how you want to become a part of our future endeavours 🌿
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First Name *
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What is your relation to the Concordia community?
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Student ID (if applicable and if you feel comfortable allowing us to reference it when applying to grants)
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Which event(s) did you attend? *
If you attended any events or contributed to the project, what was your impression? Do you have any suggestions to improve it?
What aspect of the project interests you? 
(You can select more than one)
How did you hear about our project? *
How do you want to contribute to this project? This is a perfect space to pitch any ideas or suggestions :)
If applicable, please provide any relevant references to your interest (i.e. a portfolio, website, research)
Thank you so much for your interest! We currently are gearing down from our recent show but will soon get in touch 🌿
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