Quiz  - CAREER BUILDING SKILLS  (Topic : Area & Volumes )
K.S.R.College of Engineering (Autonomous), Tiruchengode -63215.
Department of Business Administration ( MBA ).
Year and Semester : I & II
Date of Examination : 08.05.2020 & Friday
Faculty Name: Mr.K.Sivasubramani , AP
Mail-ID: sivasubramanikmba@gmail.com
Question Number 1 to 15 Question Area Problem ^& Question Number 16 to 25 Volumes Problem
Formula of Volumes:
Let length = l, breadth = b and height = h units. Then
Volume = (l x b x h) cubic units.
Surface area = 2(lb + bh + lh) sq. units.
Diagonal = l2 + b2 + h2 units.
Let each edge of a cube be of length a. Then,
Volume = a3 cubic units.
Surface area = 6a2 sq. units.
Diagonal = 3a units.
Let radius of base = r and Height (or length) = h. Then,
Volume = (r2h) cubic units.
Curved surface area = (2rh) sq. units.
Total surface area = 2r(h + r) sq. units.
Let radius of base = r and Height = h. Then,
Slant height, l = h2 + r2 units.
Volume = r2h cubic units.
Curved surface area = (rl) sq. units.
Total surface area = (rl + r2) sq. units.
Let the radius of the sphere be r. Then,
Volume = r3 cubic units.
Surface area = (4r2) sq. units.
Let the radius of a hemisphere be r. Then,
Volume = r3 cubic units.
Curved surface area = (2r2) sq. units.
Total surface area = (3r2) sq. units.

Formula For Area:
1.Area of a rectangle = (Length x Breadth).
       Length = Area / Breadth &
       Breadth = Area / Length
2.  Perimeter of a rectangle = 2(Length + Breadth).
3.  Area of a square = (side)2 = 1/2 (diagonal)2.
4.  Area of 4 walls of a room = 2 (Length + Breadth) x Height.
5.  Area of a triangle = 1/2 x Base x Height.
6.  Area of parallelogram = (Base x Height).
7.  Area of a rhombus =  1/2 x (Product of diagonals).
8.  Area of a trapezium =  1/2 x (sum of parallel sides) x distance between them.
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Student Name *
1. The ratio between the length and the breadth of a rectangular park is 3 : 2. If a man cycling along the boundary of the park at the speed of 12 km/hr completes one round in 8 minutes, then the area of the park (in sq. m) is______ *
1 point
2. An error 2% in excess is made while measuring the side of a square. The percentage of error in the calculated area of the square is______ *
1 point
3.The ratio between the perimeter and the breadth of a rectangle is 5 : 1. If the area of the rectangle is 216 sq. cm, what is the length of the rectangle? *
1 point
4.The percentage increase in the area of a rectangle, if each of its sides is increased by 20% is____ *
1 point
5.A rectangular park 60 m long and 40 m wide has two concrete crossroads running in the middle of the park and rest of the park has been used as a lawn. If the area of the lawn is 2109 sq. m, then what is the width of the road? *
1 point
6.The diagonal of the floor of a rectangular closet is 7.1/2 feet. The shorter side of the closet is 4.1/2 feet. What is the area of the closet in square feet? *
1 point
7.A towel, when bleached, was found to have lost 20% of its length and 10% of its breadth. The percentage of decrease in area is____ *
1 point
8.A man walked diagonally across a square lot. Approximately, what was the percent saved by not walking along the edges? *
1 point
9.The diagonal of a rectangle is 41 cm and its area is 20 sq. cm. The perimeter of the rectangle must be__ *
1 point
10.What is the least number of squares tiles required to pave the floor of a room 15 m 17 cm long and 9 m 2 cm broad? *
1 point
11.The difference between the length and breadth of a rectangle is 23 m. If its perimeter is 206 m, then its area is____ *
1 point
12.The length of a rectangle is halved, while its breadth is tripled. What is the percentage change in area? *
1 point
13.The length of a rectangular plot is 20 metres more than its breadth. If the cost of fencing the plot @ 26.50 per metre is Rs. 5300, what is the length of the plot in metres? *
1 point
14.A rectangular field is to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet uncovered. If the area of the field is 680 sq. feet, how many feet of fencing will be required? *
1 point
15.A tank is 25 m long, 12 m wide and 6 m deep. The cost of plastering its walls and bottom at 75 paise per sq. m, is_________ *
1 point
16.A right triangle with sides 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm is rotated the side of 3 cm to form a cone. The volume of the cone so formed is_______ *
1 point
17.In a shower, 5 cm of rain falls. The volume of water that falls on 1.5 hectares of ground is *
1 point
18. A hall is 15 m long and 12 m broad. If the sum of the areas of the floor and the ceiling is equal to the sum of the areas of four walls, the volume of the hall is___ *
1 point
19. 66 cubic centimetres of silver is drawn into a wire 1 mm in diameter. The length of the wire in metres will be______ *
1 point
20. A hollow iron pipe is 21 cm long and its external diameter is 8 cm. If the thickness of the pipe is 1 cm and iron weighs 8 g/cm3, then the weight of the pipe is______ *
1 point
21. A boat having a length 3 m and breadth 2 m is floating on a lake. The boat sinks by 1 cm when a man gets on it. The mass of the man is _______ *
1 point
22. 50 men took a dip in a water tank 40 m long and 20 m broad on a religious day. If the average displacement of water by a man is 4 m3, then the rise in the water level in the tank will be _______ *
1 point
23. A metallic sheet is of rectangular shape with dimensions 48 m x 36 m. From each of its corners, a square is cut off so as to make an open box. If the length of the square is 8 m, the volume of the box (in m3) is________ *
1 point
24. A cistern 6m long and 4 m wide contains water up to a depth of 1 m 25 cm. The total area of the wet surface is *
1 point
25. A cistern of capacity 8000 litres measures externally 3.3 m by 2.6 m by 1.1 m and its walls are 5 cm thick. The thickness of the bottom is________ *
1 point
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