Job Application
Dead Man's Farm LLC 2023
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Address: Street number, Street & City *
Cell Phone Number *
I understand that I must be at least 18 years of age to be employed at Dead Man's Farm. *
Desired Employment Position *
Do you have any previous experience working for a haunted attraction? If so, which one and what positions have you worked?
I understand that I must apply in person to be considered for employment. The job fair is Saturday, Sept 9 at 7:00pm at Dead Man's Farm. We hire on the spot! There is also a last chance job fair on Sunday, Sept 10 at 2:00pm if you cannot make Sept 9 but we cannot guarantee what positions will be left. *
If I am hired I understand that I will need to attend orientation on Saturday, Sept 17th from 6:00pm-10:00pm and a mandatory training Thursday, Sept 28th from 7:00-10:00pm. *
What t-shirt size do you wear? This is for your free staff t-shirt if you are hired. *
What is your Facebook username? Our cast & crew communicate through FB groups. You must have a FB account.
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