HDRA Monthly Webinar Registration

HDRA Webinar – Forgiveness: The New ADR Tool - Wednesday, February 19, 2025.

Once you register you will be sent the Zoom link the day before the webinar. Click here: https://www.heartlanddisputeresolutionassociation.org/monthly-webinar-registration/ (This webinar will not be video-taped to watch at a later date) You need 6 KS CDRE hours for your KS 2026 state approval including one Domestic Violence hour or one ethics hour.

Heartland Dispute Resolution Association  
Wednesday February 19, 2025 /  Forgiveness: The New ADR Tool

Diane Sherwood, MSW, J.D.

11:30am to 1:30pm

2 KS CDRE Hours – Pending

2 KS CLE Hours – Pending

2.4 MCLE Hours - Pending

FORGIVENESS:  THE NEW ADR TOOL  / What it is and how to use it.

Forgiveness is an often misunderstood term.  In scientific terms, forgiveness is the displacement of negative attitudes and the transformation of negative feelings into positive feelings.  Forgiveness is a healthy attempt to cope with negativity.  In the lay sense, it is letting go of that which brings one pain. Notice that descriptions involve the actions of one person.  Forgiveness is not necessarily interactive. However, most people believe that forgiveness is for “the other.”  When a lay person is presented with the idea of forgiveness, s/he often feels a fear to deal with the other person or an anger that they would get off scot-free for all their misdeeds.  This forgiveness training is a unilateral process.  You go through forgiveness training by yourself, for yourself.  But how is it an ADR tool?  The current ADR tools require divorced or divorcing litigants to mediation together.  When one or both parties are not appropriate for joint work, oftentimes learning forgiveness allows them to move closer to being able to work together.  At a minimum, it allows at least one party to gain peace during a difficult time in their life and to bring less vitriol to the courtroom.

Diane Sherwood has been on a lifelong journey to bring peace to her community. A native Kansan and fourth generation attorney, Diane graduated from The Colorado College with a degree in psychology with an emphasis in behavior management. She earned her law degree at The University of Tulsa, College of Law.  In 1995 she became a Kansas Supreme Court approved mediator. She founded The Conflict Resolution Center mediating family law matters and managing high-conflict divorces. She taught mediation at Newman University while she earned her Masters of Social Work with an emphasis on healthy family systems.  She began handling divorces as an attorney and became a skilled litigator. As mediator for and manager of conflicted parents and a divorce attorney for twenty-five years, Diane sought to help those who struggled with family problems.  She is an expert in behavior management with the most highly conflicted families in Kansas and beyond. Then, in an effort to realign with her core values, Sherwood retired from the practice of law and began practicing peace.  She was trained in Forgiveness in 2020-21, founded The Center for Peace and Forgiveness and now trains others to forgive and to heal, while continuing her ADR practice.  She has learned a better way to help those who struggle with anger, hurt and anxiety as she helps them learn the steps to forgiveness and peace. Diane introduced the concept of Forgiveness as an ADR tool to the District Court in her jurisdiction, which now identifies appropriate litigants and orders them to Forgiveness Training. Diane presented on Forgiveness to the Wichita Bar Association in December, 2022, at the ABA’s ADR section meeting in April, 2024 and the National ACR conference in November, 2024. Diane is a Forgiveness Practitioner, ADR specialist, lawyer, social worker, wife, mother, stepmother and grandmother.

HDRA Webinar – Hidden in Plain Sight: Dynamics of Domestic Violence - Wednesday, January 15, 2025. Once you register you will be sent the Zoom link the day before the webinar. (This webinar will not be video-taped to watch at a later date) You need 6 KS CDRE hours for your KS 2026 state approval including one Domestic Violence hour or one ethics hour.

Future Webinars Scheduled for 2024: 3rd Wednesday every month: 
Start time: 11:30am

At this time the HMA website will only accept one webinar registration at a time.
Please let me know if you are interested in presenting a webinar. Thank you!
Feb 19, 2025: Diane Sherwood -  Forgiveness as an ADR Tool (2 hrs) (2 CDRE, 2 CLE, 2.4 MCLE)
Mar 19, 2025: Jeanne Erikson - Narcissistic Abuse Cycles in Marriage & Divorce (1 hr)
April 3 & 4, 2025: – Bill Eddy Conference  - Managing and Mediating High Conflict Disputes (1.5 days)
May 21, 2025: Jennifer Chappell Deckert . Strategic Use of Conferencing & Caucus for Mediation and DR (1 hr)
June 18, 2025: Tonya Ricklefs – Elder Mediation (1 hr)
July 16,  2025: Deborah Medlock - You Screen for DV, then What? (1hr)
Aug 20, 2025: Kay McCarthy - Child Inclusive Mediation (1 or 2? hr)
Sep 17, 2025: Ethics – Lloyd Swartz (1 hr)
Oct 15, 2025: Kay Prather – Agriculture (1 hr)
Nov 19, 2025: Jerry Jost  - Working with Emotions & Blame:
Dialing Back the Temperature  (1 hr)
Dec 17, 2025: Amanda Jacobsen  - KS Office of Judicial Administration  (1 hr) Free

One-hour webinar pricing:                        
HMA Member: $30                                      
Non-HMA Member: $45
Full Time Student: $15
Two-hour webinar pricing:
HMA Member: $50
Non-HMA Member: $80
Full Time Student: $25       

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