RWIT Workshop Request Form (Spring 2016)
In Spring 2016, the Education & Outreach (E&O) program at the Student Center for Research, Writing & Information Technology (RWIT) is currently offering two in-class workshops: "Building Your Thesis from the Prompt Up" and "Writing with Style and Clarity."  A workshop lasts roughly 30-40 minutes.

INSTRUCTIONS:  Submit the form below to request an E&O classroom visit.*  Please be advised that professors must also be present for the workshop and each workshop must be given on a separate day.

*You must submit a separate form for each workshop you would like to request for each class.  (This applies if you would like to request more than one workshop or if you would like to request a workshop for more than one class.)  Simply click on the same "RWIT Workshop Request Form" link to be directed to a blank form.  
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Your name (first and last) *
Course number (e.g., MATH 007) *
Course title *
Class period (e.g., 10A) *
Class location (building and room number) *
Number of students in class *
Does your classroom have a projector? *
Please be advised that E&O workshops use PowerPoint presentations.
Which workshop are you requesting for this classroom visit? *
You must submit a separate form for each workshop you would like to request for each class.  (This applies if you would like to request more than one workshop or if you would like to request a workshop for more than one class.)  Simply click on the same "RWIT Workshop Request Form" link to be directed to a blank form.
Preferred date for classroom visit (1st choice) *
Preferred date for classroom visit (2nd choice)
Preferred date for classroom visit (3rd choice)
Additional comments
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