2 Vernier Classroom Kits & 2 Dynamics and Track Kit as are available to educators through the U.P. Smile Grant. Available only to those teachers who attended a Venier Professional Learning session.
To see what is included in each kit please visit the detailed list at:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0xxaxlwCyajVVFJVWgxR1JZbVpTX0taM3JKX2UtSHQwLUdz/viewIf you are using a screen reader, enable support on google forms by pressing Control+Alt+z on a Windows machine or Command + Option + z on a Mac.
CONTACT: Kelly Kalcich /
kkalcich@copperisd.org / 906-482-4250 ext. 180
Distributed by:
General Education Department, Copper Country ISD
Western Upper Peninsula Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education
Western Upper Peninsula Mi-STEM Network