Every prospective OSTS substitute teacher must attend a Substitute Teacher Orientation prior to employment with the OSTS. The length of the orientation varies depending on class attendance size. There is a one-hour presentation, followed by an individual check-out process with 1-2 checkers.
Topics covered include:
- Payroll Process
- Appropriate Licensure
- Fraud Reporting
- Confidentiality
- Use of the Aesop System
- Communicating with OSTS Service Team regarding day-to-day placements
- Work Hours
- Reporting for Work at School Sites
- Lesson Plans (following them and what to do if there are none)
- Student Management Tips
- End-of-the-Day Routines
At orientation, every substitute receives and signs off on an OSTS Substitute Teacher Handbook. The handbook further details OSTS expectations for substitutes’ performance in job assignments, attendance, professional conduct, safety, and appearance. Potential disciplinary processes and policies regarding the acceptable use of technology in the classroom, bullying, and child abuse reporting are also detailed therein.