Promise Neighborhood Extended Day-Cycle 4
Promise Neighborhood Extended day is the new frontier for academic excellence. The journey continues on  January 8th, 2024. Students will choose their academic enrichment sessions and their 6 week fitness and exposure micro sessions. Healthy snacks and bus transportation included. 

Extended day hours: A.R. Rucker Middle- 3:30-7:20 p.m. No session on Wednesday

Space is limited to 100 students, sign up today.

E-Mail-Adresse *
First Name *
Last Name *
Students Grade *
Students Gender *
How would you describe your child? *
Students date of birth *
Students Address *
Parent/ Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number- Include Cell and Work *
Emergency Contacts- Full name and Phone Number *
Will your child be a bus rider or a car rider? *
Behavior Guidelines

The same guidelines that are in place during the normal school day are also in place during the Extended Day Program.

  • Students will receive one verbal warning from their teacher for misbehavior

  • If misbehavior is not corrected, the student will be given a written referral, and the parents will be contacted and informed about the misbehavior.

  • If a student receives more than two referrals, they will be removed from the Extended Day program.

Stipend Guidelines 
Incentives are earned every 6 weeks. Incentive amounts are determined by attendance and whole-day behavior and engagement. Attendance amounts are determined by the percentage of days students attend every 6 weeks. Each behavioral infraction will deduct $10 per infraction. 

Academic Courses 
(Select only two boxes-one first choice and one second choice)
First Choice
Second Choice
Read Right- You will enhance your reading ability in a group setting, using the methods of cycling and judging excellent to supercharge reading and critical thinking for everyday enjoyment.
Exploring Mathematics-you will have a twist on algebra and geometry
Everyday Science-Science based project and other material.
Navigating the real World-You will uncover the world around you
Finance Skills-You will be exposed to the handling of the Benjamin.
Mathematics for 7th- You will build your skills for this level
Academic Success-You will build you academic success in the core subjects
It's a Numbers Game-You will have fun with Numbers. Big, short, fat and small, it’s always a numbers game
Fitness Courses
(Select only two boxes-one first choice and one second choice)
First Choice
Second Choice
Walk This Weigh-Mat exercises, Jamaican games and more.
Sweat Fest-Learn how to play soccer incorporating exercises.
Raise The Bar-Becoming physically fit station by station.
Physical Brain-You will use activities to build your brain power.
Ball Gone-You will develop skills in basketball and volleyball
Exposure Courses
(Select only two boxes-one first choice and one second choice)
First Choice
Second Choice
Embroidery-Learn embroidery skills.
Tri-Drones- You will have hands-on foundational drone technology.
Cosmetologist 1&2- You will learn types, styles and correct hair maintenance.
Cook it up- You will get to upgrade your skills with pots and pans.
Farm to Table- You will discover the origin of what we eat
Parent/Guardian Signature *
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