British Society for Proteome Research Annual Meeting, 1st July to 3rd July 2019, Solent Conference Centre, Southampton
Abstract Submission


Presenting authors must be registered delegates at the conference.
Each delegate can be the presenting author on only one abstract (although an individual may be listed as a co-author on multiple abstracts).

The  deadline for abstract submission has been extended to: Friday 24th May, 2019.

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Email *
Presenting author's details: Title (Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)
Forename: *
Surname: *
Institutional affiliation: *
Telephone number (daytime): *
Abstract Submission Abstract title (max. 25 words):
Authors: (Format for multiple authors: John D Smith,1 Fred W Jones,2 etc) *
Affiliations: (Format for multiple affiliations: 1Department of Chemistry, University of Life, Life LL1 2FE, UK, 2Department of Biology, ...) *
Abstract: (Plain text only with a max of 250 words and include an Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusions. No figures, tables or structures are permitted. Abstracts with more than 250 words will be rejected.) *
Key words: (max 5 key words) *
Preferred presentation: *
Preferred session (select one option): *
Are you registered as a full time or part time student? *
Are you a PhD or have received your PhD in the last 3 years and wish to be considered for the Early Investigator Award? *
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