2023-2024 Support Person of the Year!
We are honored to recognize the hard work, commitment, and dedication of the individuals that play an integral role in getting our students to and from school safely and provide critical assistance to our bus drivers, monitors and district. We value their service and would like to recognize and honor them at the conference this year.

The nominator must have a valid point of contact that can be reached or the nominee will not be considered.

Both the nominee and nominator must be a member of the OAPT organization.
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Support Person Name *
Job Title/Position *
School District *
Years of service in the industry *
Name of Person Nominating the Awardee *
Email of Person Nominating the Awardee *
Phone Number of Person Nominating the Awardee *
In 250 words or less, please tell the Board of Directors why this person should be awarded the “Support Person of the Year” title.   Please include any information that will help the Board make their decision. 
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