Wet Bucket Vendor Sign Up
Wet Bucket 5 Year Anniversary Vendor Sign Up
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Correo *
What is your POC name & contact number?
Please add any social media handles you would like to be used for event promotions.
Vendor Spot Confirmation
In addition to form submission, payment will secure your spot at the Block Party & Vendor Fair. Please pay $100 through Venmo @wet-bucket or contact 917.355.0340 if you need to use a different payment method. 
What is the name of your business (include EIN)? *
What goods/services will your business be offering at the event?
Do you have any special needs or requests that you would like an event staff member to reach out to you about?
If you would like to be contacted about promoting your business leading up to the event, please write an ad in 5 sentences of less.
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