Econcrete Biodiversity Data Entry Form
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Email Address *
Last Name Digitizer *
First Name Digitizer *
Date of Entry (Digitization) *
Date of Sample Taken *
Station *
GIS Coordinates  *
Unit Number *
Replicate Number  *
ECOncrete Depth *
Quadrat Random Coordinates (x,y) *
If there are no organisms in a sample put -99. Only add numbers for each entry.
Ciona intestinalis (Sea Vase) % Cover *
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Molgula manhattensis (Sea Grape) % Cover *
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Hydrozoan  % Cover *
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Mytilus edulis (Blue Mussel) % Cover
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Semibalanus balanoides (Northern Rock Barnacle) % Cover
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Amphibalanus eburneus (Ivory Barnacle) % Cover
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Botrylloides violaceus (Chain Tunicate) % Cover *
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Botryllus schlosseri (Star Tunicate) % Cover - can be any combination of purple, black, orange or white *
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Specify Color of Star Tunicate  *
Streblospio Bendicti (Mud Tube Worm) % Cover *
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Enteromorpha spp. (Hollow Green Weed) % Cover *
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Desmarestia spp. (Sour Weeds) % Cover *
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Specify Color of Sour Weeds *
Bugula Neritina (Brown Bushy Bryozoan) % Cover *
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Specify Color of Brown Bushy Bryozoan *
Polydora Cornuta ( Tube-Building Polychaete) % Cover *
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Membranipora Membranacea (Lacy Bryozoan) % Cover *
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Diadumene lineata (Orange-Striped Anemone) % Cover *
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Watersipora Subtorquata (Orange Bryozoan) % Cover *
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Geukensia Demissa (Ribbed Mussel) % Cover *
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Other Species 01 Name
Other Species 01 % Cover
Other Species 01 Qualitative Data
Other Species 02 Name
Other Species 02 % Cover
Other Species 02 Qualitative Data
Other Species 03 Name
Other Species 03 % Cover
Species 03 Qualitive Data
Comments or continue adding new species data here in list form if possible.
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