Sarah's Cut Flowers Wholesale Application
UPDATE AUGUST 31, 2024:  I am currently looking for customers that will purchase weekly orders for retail stores or events/weddings who LOVE dahlias! Priority given to customers purchasing large orders.

Are you a Calgary-area florist interested in purchasing fresh, local flowers from a flower farm an hour east of Calgary? Please fill out this application so I can see if you are eligible and the right fit as a wholesale customer. Deliveries available to Calgary, Langdon, Airdrie and Drumheller; no deliveries beyond Calgary city limits to Cochrane, Canmore, Banff, etc.
Email *
What is your first and last name? *
What is the name of your business? You MUST have a business license and work in the floral industry. *
What is your email address? (You will be put on my wholesale mailing list) *
What is your address for deliveries? *
What is your phone number for texting? *
What is your Instagram handle? *
How often would you be interested in purchasing wholesale flowers from me? *
Please tell me why you want to buy flowers from me.
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