Sawbill Canoe Outfitters, Inc.          Employment Application
Currently accepting applications for the 2018 season. Feel free to email a copy of your resume to supplement your application, if you wish. Call or email with any questions.
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Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Current Address *
Permanent Address (if different)
Do you have a valid Driver's License? *
Are you at least 18 years of age? *
Dates Available for Employment *
Please be accurate, we will expect you to honor these dates. Our season runs May 1 - October 31.
Education *
Describe your level of education, year in school, area of focus, etc.
How did you hear about Sawbill? *
Please describe your personal history including experience in the BWCA Wilderness, applicable work experience, other interests and accomplishments. (Feel free to add a cover letter and resume in addition, emailed to *
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