Same Day Art Commissions are single character commissions, that once paid for will be completed with in a 24 hour period. Thumbnail sketches must be approved by the buyer before payment will be requested. Once the Thumbnail, or rough sketch, has been approved additional changes to the composition will not be allowed, except for mistakes on my part.
Same day images include a single character and a single prop. No Background is included. Characters considered hyper muscled, endowed, or fat will be 10 USD extra.
Same day art that you wish to be in full color will have a 20 dollar fee added on top.
Extra detailed characters, involving multiple limbs, wings, intricate tattoo, stripes or spots etc may add an additional 5 dollars.
I will not draw under aged characters, Gore, Snuff, Necro, Scat, Racist Political or Religious themes, or anything generally illegal.
Adult content allowed.
I do not send out PSDs
I am not okay with you or other people coloring my commissions.