High School Business Competition Interest Form
Hello! My name is Srichi Dalai, and I am a senior at Ravenwood High School. This year, I will be hosting a business competition connecting high schoolers with start-ups and/or businesses that are affected by COVID-19. The image below shows the full layout of the competition. My goal is to help businesses get back on their feet while also helping high schoolers learn about the business world by applying skills like marketing, event planning, outreach, etc. I would love the reward to be a potential unpaid internship, project, or letter of recommendation as an incentive for high schoolers to compete. We students have been affected by the pandemic just like you, so let’s work together!

Sowjanya Dalai (Srichi)
Email: srichidalai@yahoo.com
Phone: (615)-495-7735
Available on LinkedIn
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What is your name(s) and company? *
What is your contact information? (email and/or phone number) *
Are you interested in being a "business partner"? (refer to image for more information) *
Are you interested in providing an incentive for high school students? (ex. internship, project, letter of recommendation, cash prize donation, etc.) *You do not have to be a "business partner" to provide an incentive- you can just opt to choose this option* *
If "yes", what incentive would you like to provide?
Do you have any referrals/connections that are interested? *
If "yes" or "maybe", what are the company names and/or contacts?
Any additional questions, comments, concerns, or ideas? 😃
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