Keeping Quiet | MCQ Test | Class 12
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1. Let’s not speak in any language,                                                            Let’s stop for one second is an example of
1 point
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Q2. In the sentence ' and not move our arms so much' the literary device used is __________
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Q3. The poet advises us not to do two things while keeping quiet. What are these?  
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Q4.   What kind of a moment shall we experience while keeping quiet?
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Q5.  What does 'sudden strangeness' mean?
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Q6.  What would the fisherman in the cold sea not do on that day?
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Q 7.  How many kinds of war are mentioned in the poem?
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Q8. What, according to the poet, would interrupt the sadness of human life?
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Q9. The poet uses a symbol to suggest there can be life under apparent stillness. What is it?
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Q 10.  'Fisherman in cold sea' is a poetic device called ___
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