CCC Catapalooza Fall Festival Vendor Application
This form is for vendors to request space to participate in the Saturday, 9/14/24 event, taking place at the CT Cat Connection Shelter location in Windsor, CT, from 11 am - 3 pm.
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Email *
First Name
Last Name
Cell Phone Number
Business Name
Business Address (# and street name only)
Business Address (City)
Business Address (State and Zip Code)
Describe the Business, Services Offered, and/or Products Sold (may be reprinted for marketing and distribution purposes)
Vendor Rate and Table Options (check all that apply)
Payment Options (Must be received by 9/10 to guarantee a spot, as space permits); if Check or Cash is selected, a committee member will contact you to discuss payment delivery options.
By choosing to be a vendor, I agree to the following actions (all must be checked for full consideration):
Please share how you learned of the festival and the vendor opportunity (check all that apply)
Please provide the name and email of any other vendor you recommend we invite (or feel free to share the link with them directly)
Anything else the CCC Catapalooza Fall Festival Committee should know:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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