Book Elijah Kalā McShane
Please FILL OUT to the best of your ability to ensure a smooth process of partnership. Mahalo nui
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Your First & Last Name + The Date *
Your Best Email & Phone Number *
What organization do you represent? *
Summarize the organization or company you represent (within 3-4 sentences) & add links to your site & social media . *
What are your biggest needs or the biggest needs of the organization you are working with currently? *
What are you booking Elijah for? (Check what applies) *
Briefly, what about Elijah & Awakened Aloha's work inspires you to reach out & partner with us? *
Mahalo for reaching out & completing this form... Read below for NEXT steps...
After completing this Intake Form, go back to the booking page then CLICK on Step 2. You can email with the subject line "Booking AA" and give a brief introduction of yourself & organization. 

Once you are finished, with email go back to booking page and schedule a 20 min consultation call with AA team & we can go from there. 

Mahalo for the patience and support in this time. 

me ke aloha aina, aloha akua, aloha kanaka!
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