Board Member Applicant
Thank you for your interest in serving on the Glendale School District Board of Directors. To make the selection as carefully and objectively as possible, we appreciate your completing the attached candidate information sheet.
To be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors, you must have lived in the district continuously for more than one (1) year, and be registered to vote. Board of Directors may not be employees of the Glendale School District.
The Board meetings are held every month, normally on the third Wednesday at 6:00 PM. You will also be responsible for attending budget committee meetings, as well as 4 or 5 special meeting that may be scheduled during the year. You will also be responsible for attending budget committee meetings, as well as any special meeting that may be scheduled during the year. Please refer to the following policies regarding Glendale School Board responsibilities.
BBF: Board Member Standards of Conduct
BH/BHA: Orientation of New Board Members
BCE: Board Committees
BHB: Board Member Development
BCF: Advisory Committees to the Board
BD/BDA: Board Meetings/Regular Board Meetings
BBA: Board Powers and Duties
BBAA: Individual Board Member’s Authority and Responsibilities
BCB: Board Officers
BBD: Board Removal from Office
Your interest is appreciated.
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First and Last Name *
Address *
Phone # *
Email Address *
Summarize your interest and involvement in the Glendale School District. *
Summarize your background in financial matters. *
What is your understanding of the role of a Board member? *
Do you have any specific plans or ideas for the Glendale School District? *
Public schools face many challenges as we meet the demands of 21st century education. What role can the Board member play in assisting the district in meeting those challenges? *
1-Personal Reference & phone # *
2-Personal Reference & phone # *
3-Personal Reference & phone # *
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