Merchant Application
Grit and Grace Idaho is located in a premier location just off Highway 16 at the entrance to The Emmett Valley. The rapidly growing community of Gem County provides a great opportunity for local small business owners to thrive. This store provides a unique variety of curated, local goods, vintage and antique finds as well as handmade, gift, and home goods. We will also be a source for trendy fashion apparel, jewelry & accessories, and even farm to table and specialty foods! All under one roof in the iconic Sanders Farm Market! We are a unique destination shopping experience in the Beautiful Emmett Valley and we would love for you to be a part of Grit and Grace Idaho!
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Email *
Are you interested in being a pop up merchant for an event, or would you like to sell your goods instore? *
Social Media Handles/Website *
Name (First, Last) *
Phone number (area code) *
Address *
Do you have a theme or a specific style for your business?  Example: Farmhouse, Modern, Boho, Ranch/western, Rustic, Vintage, Organic etc *
What niche would you fill in store or market?  Choose one or more categories that represent your product. *
Tell us about yourself and your product! *
We are a vetted and carefully curated marketplace providing a unique variety of goods to our customers. IF you would like to carry wholesale lines, please list a few of the lines you would like to carry in our store. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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