VOCAB QUIZ: Carlos Slim
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1. Donald Trump is the building ... and author of The Art of the Deal, one of the most successful business best-sellers of all time. *
6 points
2. Vernon estimates the company's ... at over $8 billion. *
6 points
3. I won't sell you my ...! *
6 points
4. The currency ... to a record low. *
6 points
5. The product sells ... for about $100. *
6 points
6. The company ... all the other cinemas and so became free of competition. *
6 points
7. Their armies have .... *
6 points
8. Investors were invited to buy into ... enterprises. *
6 points
9. He limited his losses by ... of his product line. *
6 points
10. GM acquired a 50 per cent ... in Apple Inc. *
6 points
11. The business is looking for ways to ... production. *
6 points
12. Snow will often accumulate and can eventually ... to form glaciers and ice caps. *
6 points
13. As children we were taught to be ... and hard-working. *
7 points
14. If you're a ... , hire someone with computer skills who can help you transfer your paper billing system to a computer program. *
7 points
15. He ... millions of dollars into the program. *
7 points
16. She is familiar with basic ... of psychology. *
7 points
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