EZ Way Smart Lift Competency Quiz
Must score 80% or better to pass.
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1. The display will tell you when to change the batteries. (True/False Question, 1 point) *
1 point
2. What are the 3 different methods to raise/lower the resident/patient? Answer all that apply. (Multiple Response Question, 1 point) *
1 point
3. Pressing the emergency stop button will immediately stop the machine from moving.(True/False Question, 1 point) *
1 point
4.  How do you manually lower a patient if the machine stops working?  (Multiple Choice Question, 1 point) *
1 point
5. If the sling shows signs of tearing or excessive wear it is okay to use just once more. (True/False Question, 1 point) *
1 point
6. You should lock the wheels on the EZ Lift when raising a patient. (True/False Question, 1 point) *
1 point
7. The top and the bottom of the sling should be positioned.... (Multiple Response Question, 1 point) *
1 point
8. You should cross the legs of the sling by feeding one side through the other. (True/False Question, 1 point) *
1 point
9. The sling cannot be removed from the patient when seated. (True/False Question, 1 point) *
1 point
10. You should attach the sling to the EZ Lift with the boom above the ankles. (True/False Question, 1 point) *
1 point
11. Which of the following is a use for the straps on the back of the sling? (Multiple Choice Question, 1 point) *
1 point
12. You should always use the longest loops of the sling. (True/False Question, 1 point) *
1 point
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