glitchNES 2022 - Order form & FAQ
◄◄◄◄ UPDATE 04.11.22 -- glitchNES 2022 is now SOLD OUT! ►►►►
◄ Enter your name and email below if you'd like to be contacted if any additional copies become available. ►

Thank you for your interest in glitchNES!
◄ Order Details ►
glitchNES 2022 is $50 plus shipping: $8 within the US or $15 worldwide. Aside from shipping costs, all money made from sales will be donated directly to two non-profit organizations (see FAQ below). After filling out the form below, I'll be in touch to finalize your order and send you a payment request. Expect a response within 48 hours.


◄ More about glitchNES ►
Like its prior versions, glitchNES is software for the Nintendo Entertainment System, or NES. This software causes graphical glitches similar to hardware circuit-bending. It can be used as a tool to experiment with your NES in new ways. It’s most often used to create images or movies, or live visuals for VJ sets.The code has been rewritten to make the output more glitchy and random, and the software more fun to use.

In addition to the standard glitch mode, I’ve added a new gallery mode featuring my original artwork, and the work of 19 guest pixel artists from around the world. The gallery mode also displays instructions for the glitch mode, and credits. Please check out the GIFs below that show off some of these new features.

Since its first release in 2009, glitchNES has been open source. I've shown it in galleries and it's been used by VJs around the world. It’s been occasionally available for purchase – in hand-made copies sold in limited quantities at my gigs, or as released by others. This new, cartridge-only release is a fundraiser to support racial justice and community arts initiatives in the USA.

Two friends help made this happen:

► dr!p, a pixel artist, designer, and VJ. She created the lovely label you can see below in the promo pic. She also curated the list of guest pixel artists for this cartridge.
► Infinite NES Lives, a retro gaming hardware engineer who creates hardware solutions for gamers and artists wanting to bring their retro gaming software into the real world.

dr!p was paid for label she created. Infinite NES Lives graciously *donated* 100 cartridges, allowing us to donate even more money! All of the guest artists are receiving free copies of glitchNES for their contributions. They will all be tagged on social media, so please go support them!

Finally, glitchNES 2022 is dedicated to Sydney Plumey aka Ultrasyd, 1980-2020. Miss you, brother. Huge thanks to Chiptography ( for the photo of Sydney from 8static that was used on the cartridge.

◄ FAQ ►

1. Will this work on my NES? My Famicom?
glitchNES comes on a standard 72 pin NES cartridge. It is compatible with NTSC and PAL NES consoles. If you'd like to play it on your Famicom, you'll need a 72 to 60 pin converter.

2. What's included?
Each copy of glitchNES comes with a cartridge with full color label, dust sleeve, and a thank you note on one of my NES glitch postcards. See the picture below. Please note, the two-part cartridge shell colors will be randomized. Some may be mismatched. Read on to learn more about how this contributes to a more sustainable product.

3. How many cartridges will be produced? When will they ship?
This edition of glitchNES 2022 will be a run of 100 cartridges. Infinite NES Lives will be sending them my way in late January 2022. I'll be mailing out batches of cartridges once a week, starting in February. Expect your order to ship no later than two weeks after payment. You'll be notified when your copy ships! If there are pandemic or other related delays I'll be in touch.

4. What have you done to limit the environmental impact of this project?
Infinite NES Lives (INL) is handling the hardware production. The cartridge you're getting can be rewritten -- allowing new NES ROMs to be uploaded via the INL programmer that can be purchased separately on their homepage. And the cartridge color will be random, and as it's a two part shell, some may even have mismatched front / back colors. It aligns well with the glitch aesthetic of this project and allows Infinite NES Lives to reuse older cartridge shells from prior game runs, thus reducing the amount of new plastic used in this product.

5. Where is my money going?
Your money will be split evenly between two nonprofits:

The Florida-based Dream Defenders: a Black woman led organization of Black, Brown and working-class youth fighting for a world where our people are free from cages and our communities have what they need to thrive. Dream Defenders practices transformative justice, an abolitionist way of dealing with conflict and holding people accountable in opposition to the punitive nature of the prison system that treats people as disposable, locks them up and throws away the key. Read more on their homepage:

The Detroit based Motor City Street Dance Academy: an organization dedicated to bringing hip hop culture to Southwest Detroit and mentoring youth from all around Detroit. MCSDA offers dance, art, and music classes through traditional styles of hip hop; Aerosol Art, Breakin’, Popping, Jit, DJing, beat-making, anime/comic design, and yoga. They work actively to provide a safe space for everyone to express themselves freely. Read more here:

6. Who are the pixel artists featured in this release?
Sara Isabel Álvarez, Alex Bond, The C-Men, 2bitCrook, Dollgirls, Enerjawn, Kino, Rhoq, Instant Onion, SanderFocus, HXLNT / Rachel Simone Weil, dr!p, m7kenji, Goto80, Nullsleep, Ted Sterchi, Tristan Whitehill, Kane Pour, and Jellica

7. How were the images and GIFs captured below?
They were captured using OpenEMU with the Nestopia core and a CRT filter to simulate how glitchNES will look via composite video out on a TV or projector.
glitchNES 2022 with final label mockup and glitch post cards pictured behind
glitchNES in... glitch mode!
glitchNES gallery mode
A selection of stills from glitch mode
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