Chattanooga On Point Teen Board Application 2024-2025
On Point” is excited to select students to serve on the Teen Board.. Thank you for your interest. Applications will be due Friday, September 20th, 2024 by 4:00 pm.  After the due date, the Teen Board will review all applications and may select you to participate in a peer interview after fall break.  At that time, you can meet the Teen Board members to discuss your understanding of the Teen Board and your commitment to becoming a member.  

The Mission of On Point’s Teen Board
The Teen Board seeks to inspire and support teens to:
  • make healthy choices in pursuit of whatever “sparks” their passion and future dreams
  • exercise their “voice” as servant-leaders who represent Chattanooga area youth
  • build supportive “relationships” among themselves, in their schools and across the Chattanooga community.  

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On Point Mission
On Point Mission

“On Point….Direction for Life” partners with schools and communities to cultivate strengths in youth and guide them on their path to thrive.

A thriving youth:

  • Makes healthy choices and avoids harmful behaviors, such as substance abuse, sexual activity and delinquency
  • Demonstrates academic commitment
  • Resists negative peer pressure
  • Builds a positive support network
  • Develops a clear vision for a bright future

Teen Board Qualifications

The ideal applicant is a Chattanooga area high school student who is a servant-leader, committed to finding what “sparks” their own dreams, willing to engage their “voice” to make a difference for Chattanooga teens, and excited to build “relationships” with both adults and other teens to serve and lead together through Chattanooga.   

The Teen Board represents “On Point” in our schools and throughout the Chattanooga community. it is imperative that all Teen Board members and their lifestyle reflect the values of “On Point” and the Teen Board as outlined above. 

  • Applicants will be comfortable committing to advancing the mission of the Teen Board as well as representing the overall mission of On Point (both stated above). 
  • Applicants will commit to making healthy choices and abstaining from harmful behaviors. 
  • Applicants are members of the Life On Point group at their school, if their high school has a Life group.
  • Applicants will maintain a GPA no lower than 2.5 to indicate their commitment to academics and their futures.
  • Applicants will request a Recommendation Form to be submitted by an adult who is not a family member. Find Google Doc Recommendation Form here: Teen Board RecommendationFrom a device connected to a printer, you can print and give a hard copy the adult you ask to complete your recommendation.   
  • Applicants will make Teen Board monthly meetings (typically on Monday evenings) a priority in their schedules to attend faithfully. 
  • Applicants will give additional time to complete special projects, as identified by Teen Board consensus.
  • Applicants will be willing to continue their Teen Board membership through their graduation.

Tell Us About You

Now that you have read all about On Point and Teen Board, it is time for you to start your actual application!

First and Last Name *
Address *
Your Cell Phone Number *
Your Email Address *
Home Phone *
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) *
Best Parent Cell Number(s)
High School *
Grade Level *
Your Current GPA *
Tell Us Even More!

Please select the answer that best describes what you think!

My friends would say I am reliable.
My teachers would say I am respectful.

I think it is important to prioritize my commitments.   


I don’t think that others will imitate my actions.


I respect my parents’ authority in my life.


I consider myself a leader amongst my classmates and my peers.


I rarely take into account the impact my decisions will have on others.


I am willing to dedicate my time to make a difference in the community.


I allow others to influence my decisions.


 I am willing to accept the things I cannot change.


I think it is okay to put others down, just not to their face.


I am committed to avoiding behaviors that put my future at risk, such as: smoking, vaping, alcohol/ drug use, sexual activity and violence. 

Tell Us About Your Goals and Dreams!

These will take a little more thought, so please answer these questions in a few sentences.

Please share your life goals and the short term goals you are setting to acheive them. *
Please share your interests, hobbies, gifts and talents. *
Please share your past leadership experiences and service opportunities.  How so you hope to use that background as a member of the OP Teen Board? *
Please share your current extracurricular involvement, including atheletics.  After you have listed them, conclude with a brief statement about if/how you will be able to keep your Teen Board commitment a priority.  *
Why have you chosen to apply to be a member of the On Point Teen Board? *
Some Sticky Scenarios - What Would You Do?

Tell us briefly how you might approach these situations.  

A friend just confided that he/she is sexually active.  How would you respond to him/her?
You are in a situation where everyone around you is smoking and drinking.  How would you refrain from giving in to the peer pressure?
Final Commitments

Thanks for working through the application. As you can see, serving as a member of the On Point Teen Board is a big commitment and the selection of new members is taken seriously by the Teen Board. 

I have read and fully support both the mission of both the On Point organization and the Teen Board.   *
I am committed to representing On Point values by making healthy choices and abstaining from harmful behaviors that put my future at risk.
If my school has a Life On Point group, I am a member.
Clear selection
In further commitment to my future, I will maintain my academic standing with a GPA of 2.5 or higher.  *
I will request a non-family member adult to submit the Teen Board Recommendation Form.  
(Find the form at the link under the Qualifications section.)
Clear selection
Although I have leadership responsibilities in other activities, I will make faithfully attending Teen Board monthly meetings a priority. In those meetings, I will participate in decision making about projects the Teen Board will undertake and will be dedicated to follow through to help the Teen Board serve the Chattanooga community successfully. *
I have discussed my desire to apply for the Teen Board with my parent(s)/guardian(s) and they support my decision to make this commitment. I have also discussed any transportation needs with them. They are aware there will be monthly Monday meetings at the OP office: 4509 Hixson Pike, Hixson 37343.  *
Next Steps
The Teen Board will review all applications the week following the due date. At that time, they will select the applicants they believe would be the best fit to interview.  If you are selected for an interview, they will call you to set a time to come to the On Point office (4509 Hixson Pike) for a 15 minute interview.  If your parent/guardian will be transporting you, they are welcome to wait here at the office. Following the interview, the Teen Board will invite the strongest applicants to be part of the On Point Teen Board. 

Thank you for your interest and your application. If you or your parents have any further questions, please email Mary Rausch, Teen Board Advisor, at 
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