Petition: Rank-and-File Teamsters Denounce Teamster General President Sean O'Brien's visit with former president Donald Trump
On January 3, 2024 the International Brotherhood of Teamsters General President Sean O'Brien went to Florida to meet with former President Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Largo estate. Trump has never represented the interest of Teamsters and working class communities. Our union leaders should be working to advance the economic and political interests of workers, and should never meet nor collaborate with politicians who betray those interests and who have utilized racist, misogynist, and anti-immigrant rhetoric for political clout. This act goes against the principles embedded within trade unionism. The political rhetoric used by Trump seeks to divide our union base and further alienates working class communities. Our rank-and-file members were disrespected the moment O'Brien decided to meet with Trump despite the critiques verbalized by many. 

As a collective we want to make clear that current President Joe Biden does not represent the interests of Teamsters any more than Trump does. As union members, it is necessary for us to collectively break from the strong hold of politicians who uphold the interests of the rich, ruling class, and powerful. Furthermore, we lead the charge for an independent working class political party that takes into account the diverse labor force fighting capitalistic greed.

You can also call the IBT at (202) 624-6800. IF YOU AGREE, PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION. 

Here are some of the many examples as to why Trump does not represent the needs of working-class communities :
*found guilty of discriminating against working-class African-American prospective tenets in the late 1970's.
*found liable for sexual assault by the court
*In a recorded interview with Access Hollywood's Billy Bush, he said bragged about sexual violence towards women. 
*Crafted an Executive Order banning individuals from predominantly Muslim countries (i.e. Muslim Ban).
*Referred to Haiti and African nations as 'shithole countries'. 
*Called Mexican migrants "criminals, drug dealers, and rapists"
*Appointed three reactionary supreme court judges. These judges sided with the other three reactionary supreme court judges in ruling against the Teamsters. (i.e. Glacier Northwest Inc. v Teamster Local 174).
*Supported a national right-to-work legislation.
*Has been charged with four separate criminal cases, 91 felony counts and a civil case.

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