Need PLS?
Exchange ETH for PLS


1. Fill the form and double check it

2. Click Submit in the bottom of the form

3. Wait for the e-mail with instructions to arrive
    It can take up to 15 minutes for the e-mail to be sent
    Check the spam box

4. Follow the payment instructions sent by e-mail
    You will pay in ETH

5. Wait for the PLS to appear in your Pulsechain address
    The one address you are filling in this form will receive PLS on Pulsechain
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What is your e-mail? *
You will receive an e-mail with the payment instructions
Enter the Pulsechain address where the PLS should be sent to *
Must be your address on the Pulsechain. Does NOT need to be the same address from where you will send the ETH payment. Yes, you can pay directly from an exchange address, no problem.
How much PLS do you need? *
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