Oregon Intergroup Meeting Changes 
Please complete the information below to keep your meeting's listing up to date on the oregon-oa.org website. You must also go to OA.org "edit a meeting" to update that site and make it possible for members to find your meeting.                                                                                                                                                        update 7/13/23
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Email *
What is the Meeting Name? *
Who is the meeting contact?
Please provide the meeting contact's phone number:
Please provide the meeting contact's  email:
Who is completing this form? *
Phone Number of person completing this form? *
What is the day of your meeting? *
What time does your meeting begin? *
What time does your meeting end? *
What is your meeting changing? *
If your meeting is going Hybrid, please detail for us what that means to your meeting:
If your meeting is going Face to Face, we need ALL the details about your physical location. This includes the name of the place, address, and any details needed to help a person find you (such as  "enter through the side door" etc.) It would also be helpful if you could indicate if the building is Handicap accessible.
When does this change go into effect? *
If you know who your Oregon IG meeting rep, is please provide their name:
Please add your meeting rep email:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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This form was created inside of Overeaters Anonymous Oregon Intergroup . Report Abuse